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  • Writer's pictureAmreen Damji

"Whispers of the Soul: A Tale of Unsettling Forecasts and Farewells"

Do you know that "gut" feeling, that unsettling intuition that something is just not right? Well, let me share a story that revolves around one such feeling, a tale that unfolded in the delicate threads of life.

It all began on the 16th of April 2018, a date etched in memory. From the moment I landed, an inexplicable unease nestled in the corners of my consciousness. Weeks passed, and the discomfort grew, affecting my appetite and sleep.

Unable to keep it to myself any longer, I turned to my friends, hoping to find solace. Yet, their dismissive response left me alone with this nagging sensation, a feeling I couldn't control or comprehend.

As I struggled with this internal turmoil, I decided to confide in my mother. Little did I know, her revelations about family incidents back home would deepen my concern. Perhaps, I thought, these were the reasons behind my unease.

Days turned into weeks, and during my university exams, my mother's unexpected call sent a chill down my spine. My aunt was admitted to the hospital, the prognosis initially optimistic. However, complications arose, leading to an intensive care unit stay.

Despite the reassurances, the persistent "bad feeling" haunted me. Even after finishing my exams, the unease lingered. My mother advised against rushing home, assuring me that my aunt was improving. Trusting her judgment, I decided to stay.

However, the ominous feeling refused to subside. A call to a friend, pouring out my concerns, only intensified the dread. "I don't know why, but I have a terrible feeling about my aunt," I confided, fearing the worst.

A few hours later, my mother's call confirmed my darkest fears—my aunt had passed away. The heart-wrenching news shattered me, and the once-persistent unease began to dissipate.

Booking the next flight home, I embarked on a journey filled with grief. The pain deepened as I witnessed my family's sorrow, preparing for the religious ceremonies that lay ahead.

In the midst of our grief, a powerful detail emerged—a lonely butterfly, once solitary, found a companion. As we bid farewell to our beloved aunt, surrounded by those who cherished her, a newfound connection fluttered into view, symbolizing hope amid loss.

In the end, the funeral became a poignant celebration of a life well-lived. As we released our dear aunt's spirit, a lonely butterfly found a companion, a testament to the enduring beauty that can emerge even in the face of life's most challenging moments.


Amidst the sorrow, a remarkable tale unfolded about my

younger brother, facing exams amidst the turmoil.

His strength and resilience, reminiscent of our late father's spirit, left me in awe. Love and admiration swelled within me for this extraordinary sibling.

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